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' I grew up in a poor and dirty town called Horseheads, NY. The Drums' frontman Jonny Pierce on the new song:

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As Pierce explains further below, 'Head of the Horse' is about how growing up living with his parents - two anti-gay Pentecostal preachers - still impacts him today as an openly gay man. The third single off the new album, 'Head of the Horse' is an utterly disarming track that beautifully captures frontman Jonny Pierce's ability to tackle some of the most dark and complex narratives of his life with grace, all the while remaining true to his indie-pop sensibility.

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The Drums' forthcoming album 'Abysmal Thoughts' is already being lauded as a return to form, and today the band reinforces that notion yet again with ' Head of the Horse.'

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Tuesday, May 30th, 2017 The Drums Share New Song 'Head of the Horse'

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