The study, published in The Journal of Sex Research, interviewed 350 men of diverse LGBTQ orientations and found that 78% of the sample reported “various issues” around consent negotiation, and worse, 64% described instances where “some form of unwanted sexual experience” occurred. Raymond McKie, a Ph.D candidate at the University of Ottawa, recently published a first of its kind study that shines a light on the oft-ignored subject of sexual consent among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (GBM). Thankfully, this is beginning to change-at least in terms of research. Because this hypersexual behavior is so common in our community, we have a tendency to shrug it off as a shared experience, and never really address the issue. In my personal experience as a sex writer and educator, the majority of queer men (or men who have sex with men) I speak and consult with acknowledge that they’ve been a victim of some sort of non-consensual sexual circumstance.
Trigger warning: The following content discusses sexual consent, rape and assault.